Book Writing Progress!

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Do you know that tingly, giggly feeling of accomplishing a long-term goal? I have that RIGHT NOW! I just now (9:30 pm – 11/26/21) completed a full personal edit of my book.

“What book?” I hear you ask.

The one I’ve been working on for 11 years. It started when my eldest was 3 and I realized it was time to start training some missionary training before she began kindergarten. I looked everywhere for a resource to use to train her. The resource didn’t exist. So, me being me, I got busy writing it. I planned to train with it during the school year before kindergarten (about age 4 or 5). I wanted the little warrior ready to walk through the kindergarten door as a missionary.

We had SO MUCH FUN! MY goal was to spend 20 minutes each week focusing on training our children how to know, love, and follow Jesus, especially at school. We had a Prayer Journal and watched God answer prayers throughout our time together. We sang songs and did fun activities.

I also incorporated my Theme Weeks lessons and concept throughout the week. It’s now built into the training material. You can have the Theme Weeks not connected to the book at the link above for free, though!

Why has this book taken so long to edit?

This is my fifth round of editing the book all the way through. I used it to train all three of our children, as a co-op, Sunday school curriculum, and Christian preschool curriculum. So, this editing round compiled all the best lessons, activities, and theme ideas, making it better and more effective.

I have one friend going through it right now with her sons and sending me wonderful pictures! I LOVE IT!

I just posted another FREE resource on my website ( you can have and use for children of any age when you sign up for my weekly devotional blogs (what you’re reading that comes to your inbox). This resource is called The Discipleship Map and, so far, parents are LOVING it and wanting to pass it on. Go get it if you haven’t, yet.

How does that relate to my book?

It’s all about intentionally training our children to know, love, and follow Jesus!

Someone wise told me that if the writing idea I have is from God, it’s disobedient not to tell others about it, especially if it’s about the Gospel. The whole book is about the Gospel, so I’m being obedient and telling others about it. There’s more work to be done to get it into the right hands, but milestones are being reached, friends. And it’s all for His glory.

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Things to Ponder:

  • What is the message God wants you to share with others?
  • Have you gotten your Discipleship Map, yet? Go get it!

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